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Đề thi môn Anh lớp 12 (kỳ 1) Giải Trần Đại Nghĩa năm học 2008 – 2009

Tạp Chí Giáo Dục

1. The boys look _______ their teacher of English because of his high teaching quality.
A. into; B. up to; C. down upon; D. at
2. We are brought _______ in a culture which tells us that it’s good to control our feelings.
A. from; B. off; C. out; D. up
3. Hard work can often bring ________ success.
A. into; B. in; C. about; D. up
4. They are fascinated _______ the idea of going away for the summer.
A. on; B. in; C. about; D. with
5. They broke ______ their relationship after a quarrel.
A. into; B. out; C. off; D. up
6. _______ what you think, learning a foreign language is great fun.
A. Moreover; B. Contrary to; C. Whereas; D. Therefore
7. The experts were not fully _______ that the animal was a puma.
A. convinced; B. believed; C. realized; D. discovered
8. I hope you will take this matter into _______.
A. effect; B. understanding; C. consideration; D. notice
9. He could not resist the ________ of making a lot of money quickly.
A. introduction; B. invitation; C. temptation; D. trial
10. You asked me to _______ you to post that letter.
A. remember; B. remark; C. remind; D. recall
11. After a lot of difficulty, he _______ open the door.
A. managed; B. succeeded; C. was able to help; D. was capable
12. That man has ________ medicine for many years in the area.
A. practiced; B. passed; C. worked; D. earned 
13. What she needs to do now is see a doctor for a ________.
A. check-up; B. set-up; C. make-up; D. build-up
14. His application was rejected immediately because of his lack of _______.
A. requirements; B. thought; C. quantifiers; D. qualifications
15. I absolutely ________ of everything that has been said.
A. agree; B. accept; C. admit; D. approve
16. The man _______ stamps for 5 years by the end of 2010.
A. will be collecting; B. has collected; C. will have collected; D. will have been collecting
17. There’s no point _______; the problem will sort itself out.
A. to worry; B. worried; C. worrying; D. for us worry
18. He doesn’t drink much ________ the police catch him as he drives home.
A. in the event; B. despite; C. otherwise; D. in case
19. I saw him ________ to a nice girl at the school library.
A. talking; B. to talk; C. talk; D. talked
20. Either you, or I, or your brother ________ responsible for the damage.
A. is; B. are; C. am; D. being

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